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加拿大 ZAVIDA 咖啡,專注於咖啡生產已 30 餘年,100 % 阿拉比卡雨林聯盟認證咖啡豆,皆在哥斯大黎加的咖啡種植園中培育,並獲得美國多項認證,純天然不加任何添加劑。加拿大原裝進口ZAVIDA雨林聯盟認證的咖啡豆研磨製成

  • 奧尼卡咖啡,此款咖啡豆風味飽滿均勻圓潤,微妙的餘味和清爽的口感,給你不同的味蕾享受。

       From our signature certified  collection, Zavida's  coffee is rich, well rounded, with subtle after-tones and a nice clean finish. It's made with 100% Rainforest Alliance Certified™ Arabica coffee that's ethically sourced from certified  farms located mostly in Central and South Americas. All natural, great tasting coffee promoting environmental sustainability, social responsibility and worker care. Considered a "coffee for the professional", this coffee is...delightful!




庫存狀況 現貨


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